If you’d like to be on our email list for weekly updates, or if you’d like to receive/be included in the next quarterly directory, talk to Carmen, email or call the office.
There are mail folders for everyone in the church directory, in the filing cart next to the janitor room and the old piano. Please check yours regularly. They’re a great way to share encouragement and communicate with others in your church family, as well as receive communication from the church office.
Resource Links
- Ambrose University College
- Canadian Missionary Alliance
- Food for the Hungry
- Foodgrains Bank
- Gateway to Romania
- Luseland Bible Camp
- Samaritan’s Purse
- World Relief Canada
- Kindersley Food Bank
- Kindersley Food Mesh
- West Central Crisis Centre
- Friedrich (Fritz) Eckstein, Clinical Counsellor
- Canadianmidwest.ca
- Thealliancecanada.ca
- Saltandlightsk.ca
Sermon Archives
Interested in listening to archived sermons? Check out our YouTube Channel.
Fall Office Hours
Worship Service
Sunday 10:30am
Contact Us
Kindersley Alliance Church
74 West Road, Kindersley, SK
S0L 1S1
Phone: 306-463-6568